Track On Map

Track On Map is a freeware application that can read NMEA-data (RMC and GGA sentences) from a file, and display the track on a map. The map is fetched automatically from the internet, but as of now it can only fetch maps of Norway. Various other properties of the track is also shown. Track On Map can also import trackpoints (must be timestamped) from GPX files, and the selected track can be exported to the Google Earth client

Version 1.8 now contains a new feature: Automatic lap timing if the track repeats itself within 1000 seconds. The maps are now fetched from the open and free WMS service at Statens Kartverk in Norway.

Should you find any use of this program (or bug reports), please drop me a mail


Track On Map v1.8 (approx 500 kB)


Last updated: 03-01-2010